Saturday, May 23, 2009

Some new landscaping

With the nice weather this week we have been spending quit a bit of time outside getting the yard and flower beds in ship shape. I have already laid 15 bags of mulch and probably need 10 more. I also have planted vinca, gladiola, lillies, petunias, impatients, geraniums, and some other flowers that I just bought because they were pretty and were recommended for full sun. Now all I want is three white rockers for my front porch. Maybe next year.

When we moved in two years ago everything was crowded and overgrown. So last year we pulled out many plants, shrubs, weeds and planted some hosta and mums. We must of got it right because they are back this year, plus the grass we planted is coming in and we are getting rid of our bare is starting to look like we want it too....clean and symetrical. This year we are working on the back yard.

This area was also overgrown and just a varied combination of bushes and shrubbs. We cleared it out last fall and I went and got some plants and flowers with the money the church gave me for mothers day. Thank you saints of Apostolic Revival Tabernacle.

Our peonies are in bloom and boy are they beautiful. Too bad they won't last all summer long. Our last area of attack is this section in the back yard. We are thinking of clearing it out closing it off with a fence from the pool and putting up a small swingset for the kiddos. But year. I believe all that is going to get done this year is for me to pull out the grass and weeds that are overtaking the area.

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