We left out this morning around 8 am and headed north. I couldn't wait any longer I just had to go see my new neice Anna Grace. We dropped Levi off in Marion at Jacobs house, picked up mom and dad and headed up for the second leg of the drive. In all it was 8 hours. I was a little uneasy about Millie Bug, but she did fabulous. Four hours up, two hours at the hospital, no major events, two hours to Marion, and then two more hours home. Not once did she really get fussy or did she cry. We were very thankful for Pap who entertained her for part of the trip. 
Does this baby look like her daddy or what?!?!

Usually Millie is a little afraid of Uncle Gabriel, but today she went to him and even sat on his lap. Only for a minute, but we are making progress.

Momma Susan is doing well, we are praying that she heals up quickly from the c-section.

Baby Anna under the light, if you look closely you will see that she has her thumb in the pacifier. Maybe another thumb sucker!!!

I got to give Anna her bottle and hold her for a little while. You forget how tiny babies are. Millie was two whole pounds smaller than Anna Grace....and look at her now.

Because little Anna Grace is jaundiced she has to lay under the lamp and can only come out for feedings so we didn't get to see/hold her for long, but long enough to know and see that she is beautiful and ever so precious.
Uncle Scott is sad that he didn't get to hold her....so maybe another trip up north is in our future.
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