Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day
I was reading an email the other day from a friend of ours and under his signature was this quote......“IF YOU DON'T STAND BEHIND OUR TROOPS, PLEASE, FEEL FREE TO STAND IN FRONT OF THEM. ” Author Unknown
Pretty much sums it up for me.
Happy Memorial Day
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Some new landscaping
When we moved in two years ago everything was crowded and overgrown. So last year we pulled out many plants, shrubs, weeds and planted some hosta and mums. We must of got it right because they are back this year, plus the grass we planted is coming in and we are getting rid of our bare is starting to look like we want it too....clean and symetrical. This year we are working on the back yard.
This area was also overgrown and just a varied combination of bushes and shrubbs. We cleared it out last fall and I went and got some plants and flowers with the money the church gave me for mothers day. Thank you saints of Apostolic Revival Tabernacle.
Our peonies are in bloom and boy are they beautiful. Too bad they won't last all summer long.
Our last area of attack is this section in the back yard. We are thinking of clearing it out closing it off with a fence from the pool and putting up a small swingset for the kiddos. But year. I believe all that is going to get done this year is for me to pull out the grass and weeds that are overtaking the area.
A little kitchen help
Levi's first swim.
Testing the temperature with his toes.
Oh forget baby steps in, it is just easier to jump in and take it all at once.
A Day Trip To Michigan....almost
Baby Anna under the light, if you look closely you will see that she has her thumb in the pacifier. Maybe another thumb sucker!!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Millie's kitchen
Literacy Festival
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers Day
Little Darlins
The kiddos have been practicing for a month to get three songs down to sing for Mother's Day. Finally tonight all our little darlins got up on the platform to perform for their mothers. It was going pretty well until Millie Bug pulled the cord to the mic. and it fell out of the stand. I went and put it back up and then she did it again. Papaw went up and took it and handed it to David. Well Millie didn't much care for that so she decided to throw a little fit right then and there. Well the song ended and there was one more to go. I was playing the piano and Millie was screaming for the mic so daddy picked her up and tried to play the drums so that they could finish singing "surely you know - know what? surely you have heard - heard what? That the Lord is the God who lies forever." All I can say is that there were a lot of laughs, just not too many from me. :)
Levi had a solo, and I must say that he did really well. The boy is a natural when it comes to music. I was very proud...of Levi that is, with Millie I just shook my head.
But afterwards Millie was as cute as could be in her little cubby hole. Pretty soon she will not be able to fit as fast as she is growing.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Good Day
What's in a name
Thanks for the boost of confidence Andrea...Hope to see you soon.