It has been quite a while since I have updated about our lives for the world to see. As most of you know we have moved from Columbus to Edinburgh. Other big news is that Scott is no longer pastoring. We felt it was time to move on. There was no scandal or drama, just time to leave. We are currently attending World of Pentecost in Columbus and loving it!
The kiddos are all doing great, healthy, and loving life!
Levi turned 12 years old this past July and finally got his first cell phone. He is growing up into a unique little man.

His music skills continue to improve and he is very talented! He is continuing piano lessons and loving learning new tricks with his teacher. He also plays organ and keys for Sunday morning service and is a part of the youth band. 
Millie turned 6 this Summer and had her 1st girl party! (lots of girls at our new church) She was also filled with the Holy Ghost during an evening service at one of the Youth camps we were working and was then baptized at our home church!
Little Miss Sophia is almost 2 years old!! I don't even know how that is possible! She is healthy and full of lift. Most days she enjoys playing in her kitchen and laundry area playing with her babies.
I am doing good, and still have a candy addiction! What can I say, I love candy! I am still teaching at Children's Morning Out and still love it. I feel very blessed to have a great job!
I have also joined the "Tough Mothers" club and feel blessed to have such great friends.
Scott is doing great. This summer he started a lawn care company and the Lord has blessed it! Therefore his is gone a couple of nights a week mowing.
This past June our lovely niece Emily married a great guy, and we all had a part in the wedding. Scott and I decided to help ourselves to the unity candle hours before the ceremony started.
I like living the blessed life!
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