Sunday, September 20, 2009

Love Lessons at the Lilly Pond

It is that time again for me to redo my Sunday School room. The theme this quarter is a bug themed backyard with a lily pond. I have so much fun decorating my room, because it is the best feeling when my little kiddos come in and get so excited about the room.

"The Love Bugs Loving Each Other"
The puppets I made, Lovey and Lampy, brother and sister lightning bugs. I forgot their wings though. And don't look to close at the sewing is pretty rough. I certainly didn't get the sewing gene passed to me from my mom. I wasn't even for sure what a whip stitch was. The lilly pond and "Bug Club" area.
You can't have a bug backyard without a fence, nets and bug collecting equipment.
All the "logs" along the wall have my student's names on them and each week we are adding bug stickers for learning our memory verses.
On the table are butterfly, bee, and lady bug masks (from the dollar tree!). It is absolutely adorable when the kids put these on. It is also a little funny when I look out telling the story of David and Golliath to a bunch of bugs.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Short Trip to Marion

Last Friday on a crazy whim I called my brother and told him that if he would drive 2 hours south then I would drive 2 hours north and we could meet at Mom and Dad's and have dinner with Sara Jane and company who were in from St. Louis. Well he agreed to be crazy with me so we hopped in the car and arrived at the exact same time.

I was a great evening of fun, food, mmm pies, play, and most importantly family.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Labor Day Fun!

When you marry a country boy your children are going to follow in their fathers footsteps. Therefore Levi likes to shoot bows and arrows, shoot guns, fish, track deer, hang tree stands, and watch deer hunting vidoes. Here lately every time we go over to Nick and Karens the guns and fishing poles come out.

Uncle Nick showing Levi how to load the 22 rifle.
I don't think I make a very good rifleman or should I say riflewoman?Miss Millie was taking a nap while all of the shooting action was going on, but she enjoyed the great outdoors of Grandma's porch. And of course Adrian is always eating, that girl can't get enough.
Labor day was a good day for all of us. Scott and Levi hung the new double man tree stand I got him for our anniversary, the weather was beautiful, the food was great, and the Seniour family was together.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Power of Play

Millie has been having some good times with the "cooking monster" as she calls the toy grill Grandma Nancy scored at the garage sale for .$75! She loves to pretend to cook and clean.
Millie got the kitchen for Christmas and the highchair and baby doll for her birthday. The baby, who has no name, never gets taken out of the highchair but gets fed frequently.

As for Levi.......He plays alot with lego, lincoln logs, tinker toys, His latest creation was a skate park out of lincoln logs, which took about an hour to build. I would have gotten a picture but, Miss Millie walked through it. Levi took it in stride and said he would build another one. I guess he decided to take a break instead and build a nest to watch a little television. I was searching for my laundry basket and found Mr. Levi in it. A little close to the tv, but he says he is comforatable. Check out his toes!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My New Ride

After about six months or so of searching for a new vehicle, we have finally bought one. We got a 2003 Buick Rendezvous. It's not brand new, but I refuse to pay the $40,000 for the Buick Enclave that I wanted. Maybe one day, but today is not that day.

Levi is very excited and Millie keeps saying, "Is that mommies car?"
It seems as though we have something going every weekend from now until Christmas.....well maybe that is stretching it a little, but I am ready for a weekend at home, but it is not going to happen for a while.

Last weekend we had a walk-a-thon fundraiser and church picnic at the park. The weather was beautiful and the youth group raised almost $1000 with the walk a thon and selling pies in the face to people in the church. It was a good time. Miss Millie was excellent the entire day. She was just happy to be at the park. Here is the kids who raised the money to walk. The took pledges for walking the Clifty Park Trail which is about 1.7 miles. They walked it twice. They then sold auctioned off pies to thow in the face to people in the church. I paid a good amount of money to throw a pie in the face of my father in law. He was willing and so was I. Levi and other kids in the church paid $5 a piece to hit Pastor Scott in the face, but somehow Levi ended up with more whipped cream on him that Scott did. :)Sis. Dormilee was a good sport and took a pie for $50. Everyone was having a great time.......all but Miss Millie. She wasn't so sure about the whole pie in the face deal. Good Times!

Levi's Baptism

Levi has been a changed boy since this day and the day he was filled with the Holy Ghost. Thank you Jesus!