Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Anna

Little Miss Anna is not so little anymore and has officially turned 3!  Boy does time fly.  To celebrate her birthday with her we took a day trip to their new house in Ohio and had a party.  There were lots of kids and cousins to play with, and everyone had a great time. 

 Here Gideon is teaching Anna the proper use of his light saber. 
 All the kiddos had fun "swimming."

 Levi especially enjoyed "working out" with Uncle Gabe's equipment.  He is tough stuff, pulling a total of 450 pounds. 
 What is a birthday party without cake, ice cream, and presents!  The chocolate cake and Aunt Susan made was super yummy.  I need to get the recipe from her....or maybe she will read this and send it to me.  ;-)

I think that Miss Anna liked her tea set that we got her.  I hope she has lots of tea parties with it. 

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