As always our summers are time for birthdays. Both Levi and Millie are July birthdays. With camp season to work around it is always hard to plan a big birthday party. The kiddos don't seem to mind as long as there are presents and cake. Which I always supply.

Millie turned 4 this year....yes that is right 4!!! We had a small celebration on a Thursday morning at Chuck E Cheese with a few of her friends.
As I look at this picture I realized that most of Millie's friends are boys. Here she is with Rickey, Luka, and Jack. The one boy who is missing is Deacon (he couldn't make it to the party). I have asked her before about the girls in her classes and she just tells me they are mean. 
Millie now loves Chucke. There was a time when she was terrified of him.
Here is Millie and her friend Brennen playing a game together. I love the looks on their happy.
And what party would be complete without cupcakes and presents.
It is hard for me to believe that my Millie Bug is not a baby anymore, but a sweet little girl. When the party was winding down, and her friends were leaving, she came up to me and gave me a hug and said, "Thank you for my nice party Momma." It almost brought tears to my eyes. She is a very thankful and affectionate little girl.
For Levi's birthday it was low key. I was going to have some friends over to the house to celebrate with him, but when we got home from camp a few days before his birthday, we had a leak and an issue of mold to deal with, so we did what Levi wanted to do. We went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and celebrated with Mamaw and Papaw. Of course I forgot my camera, but I did get one picture on my cell phone.

Levi is turning into quite the gentelman and is quick to open the door and pull out chairs for all the ladies. He is also very cute and good looking. I know I am a little prejudice, but I speak only the truth. :) Everywhere we go people are always commenting on his good looks. Now this is not to say that he is not a booger, because he is still all boy, and has a hard time following the rules. Even still he is my booger and has great things in store for him!
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