We finished preschool with a bang and all was going great. Levi loved school and was ready for the big school. So one day before his 5th birthday, he hopped on the big yellow bus and drove away to Indian Creek Elementary School. Again Kindergarten was a great year and Levi loved it, graduating with honors from Mrs. Binders class. 

Then we moved to Columbus and switched school systems. We started first grade and Levi was every bit as cocky and smartelic as he looks in this picture. Oh he thought he was cool stuff. Well the year didn't go so well and Levi and I both hated school and HOMEWORK! 
So we decided to give first grade another try with the same teacher (who we loved). This was the best decision that we have ever made for Levi. He matured and left the play era and moved into the learning era of school......

Which leads us to today. The first day of 2nd grade. Now Levi has never really cared what he wore......as long as it was cool.....you know spongebob and spiderman t-shirts with light up sketcher shoes. But this year is different. We has to go shopping for a new outfit that was not cool, but "in style" Yes it has started. So he carefully picked out and bought Tony Hawk jeans and t-shirt and new black converse all star shoes.
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