Saturday, July 4, 2009

Strange Happenings

Some strange events have been happening in our life lately.

Remember when you were a kid and you couldn't wait to get to the bottom of the cereal box to find the prize. You know that ever so valuable toy. The other day Levi was eating his bowl of cheerios and reading the box when he asked if he could get the prize out. I agreed, because now the toy/prize is on not in the cereal ,but in the box, you just have to pull out the bag of cereal. He was a little confused when he pulled out this discover cash card worth five dollars.

I am really just amazed that General Mills is giving away debit cards. You even have to go online and activate it. Levi just layed it aside, I had to explain to him that it was worth money and he could buy something with it. A credit card....really. Start teaching them young I guess.

I never dreamed that I would take my daughter to school on July 1, in Indiana, wearing a jacket. Yet the other day I did. It stayed in the 60s all day.
While Millie was at school Levi and I went to the dentist, and ran some errands. For lunch we stopped in at good ol McDonalds, while eating a little boy and girl (maybe 3 and 4) came up and sat across from us and started talking. I looked around for mom or dad and didn't notice an adult looking for anyone. They started talking to us when, from across the restaurant, a woman yells, "Caleb honey, I know that lady looks nice, but you can't talk to strangers, you never know what she could be." I just look up in shock and it seemed like the whole restaurant was staring at me. I wanted to to yell back, "Do you all know Jesus?" Honestly lady, keep your kids with you. A 2 and 3 year old do not need to be walking around McDonalds by themselves, if you can't keep your kids in check, eat at home or go through the drive through. Some People.
Strange things are happening.

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