Sara Jane decided that since this would be the only time we would all be together for the summer we should have a mass birthday party for all the cousins, because of all their birthdays being during the summer. So we celebrated Gideon who will be 1, Millie who will be 2, Judah who will be 3, and Levi who will be 8. Next year we will add Baby Anna Grace and will have a 1, 2, 3, 4, and 9 year old.
It was a great party complete with a rainbow cake (Judah picked it out) fourth of July poppers and growing worms (you know the little things you set on fire and they grow) Millie watched it for a minute, laughed, and then called it poop. What can I say, she calls it as she sees it.
All kiddos got to open presents. Gideon received a little people school house, Judah got a new garbage truck, Millie got a pretend cleaning kit and green, made in the usa tea set, and Levi received a Harley Davidson helmet from Pap and a Legos galaxy battleship set with 720 pieces. (Thank you Aunt Sara)
After all of the excitement of the birthday party we headed home, and not 15 minutes into the trip I turned around and this was what I saw. They are both exhausted, and I am very thankful that we will be home all week next week.
This is the year that Levi will finally be able to go out riding with Pap. He can hardly wait and is super excited for July 25th to come so that he is the legal riding age in Indiana. He picked out a helmet with flames on it, you know the cool stuff. He was pretty proud of it, and it was the first piece of news he gave daddy when we got home this evening. Daddy was up on the laddar doing something to the side of the house and Levi jumped out of the van and said "Hey Dad, I got a Harley Helmet!"
and this is only part of what awaits me on Monday.....we have church tomorrow and I do not work on Sundays......well at my house that is.
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