Saturday, February 28, 2009


As many of you know Millie likes to eat (sweets that is). The other day I was playing the piano and she usually stays in the living room with me, but she walked out. I didn't think much of it, just figuring that she was just getting a book or toy and she would be right back. When she didn't come back and the house was a little too quiet I went investigating, and this is what I found.

Amelia had broke into the merry go round (or a lazy susan, as some of you call it) and pulled out the special valentine cookies dumping them on the floor. She was just having a little snack. Of course this all happened right after I had just cleaned and mopped the kitchen floor!

Take a look at Millie Bug's shoes. These are her new kicks. At school Millie has become a Croc thief. We have rented for the winter a bouncy castle, well all kids must take off their shoes to get in and jump. Well Miss Amelia sees this as her opportunity, she quietly sits down and takes off her shoes, then then looks around and if nobody is watching she will pick up a pair of fur lined crocs and put them on then run to the other side of the gym, leaving the owner of the shoes...shoeless. Well I am just not a big fan of fur lined crocs, but in order to not promote my daughter as thief I brokedown and bought her some.

So now everytime we get dressed no matter if it is for school, church, or bed Millie will bring me her pink crocs and say, "Deese." Oh it is wonderful. (I feel some of you laughing right now and I am just not thinking that it is very funny...especially when I love shoes and Millie has so much more cuter shoe options than crocs)

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