Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas presents....Check

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......This is the Living Room Tree....

and this is the family room tree.

I would just like to announce that I am officially finished with my Christmas shopping and wrapping of the presents. It is such a good feeling. This is the first year that I am actually done on time, and not shoping on Christmas Eve. After last year I vowed never to have an unorganized December again. It just goes to prove that a little organization will go a long way.
Suprisingly enough Amelia isn't even interested in the presents or the trees. She looks at them says, "preeeeety" and goes on her way. Now Levi on the other hand is having an emotional breakdown just about every day claiming that he just cannot wait until Christmas to open the gifts, and I don't know what it is like to have to wait for something." as my mom would sing, "I remember the days" He is a little burger, but I guess he gets it honestly.
waiting for Christmas,

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