Monday, June 25, 2012

Getting Taller

The other day Millie and Levi were walking side by side and it amazed me at how tall Millie was getting.  She has already reached his shoulders. 

Happy Fathers Day

Usually for Father's Day I am out the day before trying to pick out a gift from the kiddos to give to Scott.  This year I am proud to announce that the kids and I made (yes you read that correctly we made) our gift.  Thanks to Pinterest, I saw a neat handprint craft and thought we could do that.  So off to Hobby Lobby we went.  While there Sophia got tired of picking out scrapbooking paper.  She started fussing, and of course Levi came to her rescue and picked her up.  About 5 minutes later she was sound asleep in his arms.  He was eating it up! 
 We went home and made our gifts, with enough time to get paps in the mail and delivered on the Saturday before Fathers Day!! 
Levi and Millie were very proud of thier gift and couldn't wait to give it to Daddy.  So they had him open it up on Saturday night.  Of course daddy loved it. 

Since Sophia was asleep when Levi and Millie gave daddy their present we took more pictures in Daddy's office where the picture will stay. 

No matter how big we get we will always reach for you. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Anna

Little Miss Anna is not so little anymore and has officially turned 3!  Boy does time fly.  To celebrate her birthday with her we took a day trip to their new house in Ohio and had a party.  There were lots of kids and cousins to play with, and everyone had a great time. 

 Here Gideon is teaching Anna the proper use of his light saber. 
 All the kiddos had fun "swimming."

 Levi especially enjoyed "working out" with Uncle Gabe's equipment.  He is tough stuff, pulling a total of 450 pounds. 
 What is a birthday party without cake, ice cream, and presents!  The chocolate cake and Aunt Susan made was super yummy.  I need to get the recipe from her....or maybe she will read this and send it to me.  ;-)

I think that Miss Anna liked her tea set that we got her.  I hope she has lots of tea parties with it. 

A little color

Last year for Mothers Day I got the two rockers.  Well it has taken me a year, but I have finally added some color to my front porch.


 I went to Hobby Lobby and picked out some fabric.  I then came up with what I wanted and took it over to my sister-in-laws house for a sewing bee.  Well she sews and I watch.  I told her what I wanted and she made it happen all in about an two hours time.  That included design, sewing, and lots of talking in between. 

I also made this square wreath.  Yes that is right, I made it.  The uncrafty sister finally has got her craft on....thanks to Pinterest. 
 Also got a new entry mat. 

Summer Fun

  Every since our Spring Break trip to Aunt Sara's house and Millie saw the garden rocks with "diamonds" that Gideon and Judah made she has wanted to make one.  When I saw that our local toy store downtown was holding a class to make garden rocks I immediately signed up.   
Millie and Levi loved it so we are signing up for more classes at Imagination Station.  We are making a robot soon. 

We took a trip to Grandma and Pap's house to meet up with the cousins and ate lots of popsicles. 

Now Sara may look like she is in distress, but she is really just making fun of a song that is playing on her phone.  Good times. 

 Sophia too got in on the popsicle action too.  Grandma just couldn't say no.  Look at her eyeing it.

 We have also been spending lots of time in the pool.  Millie is turning into a regular water bug and begs to go out every day.