Friday, November 25, 2011
Basketball Season
Levi has been asking us to play organized sports for some time now. Usually we miss the sign-up date. I mean really, who knew you signed up for spring baseball in January. But thanks to our neighbor we made the date for PAL basketball, and Levi played his first game Tuesday the 22nd.
We were a little excited/proud when Levi was a starter and scored the first two points of the game. Maybe those big feet of his will be good for something.
Taking a time out of the game to rest on the bench.
Levi't team, the Cardinals, won the game 8-7. It was a very exciting game! I hate to admit it, but I am one of "those" moms. I get super excited when my little darlin' scores and does well. As for Millie, she was not as excited as I was, ready to go home after the first quarter. Sophia loved the game too. 
A Play Date for Millie
Every since Sophia has joined our family, my wonderful friend Jessie has volunteered to pick up Millie and take her to school for me. This is such a wonderful blessing! Miss Jessie's son Deacon is one of Millie's friends at school and last Tuesday I had Jessie drop Deacon off instead of picking up Millie for a play date.
The day began with playtime in the basement. They played store most of the time, taking turns being the "cash register" as they would say. after about two hours of non-stop play they were getting a little tired of the toys in the basement, which led us upstairs to the kitchen to make cupcakes. 

These two were loving decorating the cupcakes! When this activity was over they played on the patio for a while, then they somehow talked me into taking them to Chuck E Cheese. So off we, a 6 week old, and two 4 year olds. I was a little nervous. But as it turns out Chuck E Cheese on a Tuesday afternoon is completely empty. We had the place to ourselves. These two thought it was great. They were running around and laughing, and playing....even after the tokens ran our.
It was a great day!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Breast Feeding
I just want to get this off of my chest. Not all women breastfeed their babies, and it doesn't make them a bad mother if we choose not to or can not breastfeed. In the three weeks that Sophia has been in this world I have been asked no less than 100 times if I breastfeed her. I am getting ready to make a sign to put on my chest, that says, "No I do not breastfeed"
When I say, "no, she is on formula" I get the "ohh" and the look of disdain. I want to tell them to mind their own business, but then I feel that I must explain that I am not capable of feeding my babies. My milk never comes in. On baby number three and still no milk. Pumped every three hours for one week with a hospital grade pump, and never got more than a half an ounce between the two breasts.
Then there is always my favorite, "It is Gods way for your baby to eat" Well then my babies would all be dead if they only recieved nourishment from me, because they would have starved to death. If God wanted me to feed my babies he would have allowed it. He created and formed this body of mine, and for some reason, my milk doesn't flow freely. I am just so thankful for the makers of formula. Yes it is expensive, but at least my babies are alive and well.
So please keep your oppinions on breastfeeding to yourself. There are a whole lot more serious issues in this world than formula feeding babies!
We like to introduce to you...
Sophia Josephine Seniour, born October 10, 2011 @ 4:00 pm. 7lbs and 19.5 in.

But all of that changed at 4:01pm on October 10th. When the doctor laid my baby girl on my chest and I was holding my baby. It was at that moment that I couldn't imagine my life without my bonus baby. Just look at her, isnt she hair and all.
So now I am the happy mother of three wonderful children. Each one has their unique style and personality, and I am blessed that they call me mommy!
Children truly are a gift.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
A whole lot of changes going on.
On the inside of the house we are getting ready for Baby Sophia's big arrival. We have rearranged Millie's room to add a changing table and a crib so that the girls can share a room. There was no where else to put our Sophia.
Millie loves her new room. I was a little worried about how she would react, but a new princess bedspread and a freshly painted bed was all it took to keep her happy. 
There are baby items everywhere. They are taking over our house.
Now that we are all ready for a baby girl to join our family, let us hope that is what we get. We had the ultrasound, but mistakes have been made before.
More changes are in the kitchen. New curtains thanks to mom!
A Day at the Apple Orchard
On a beautiful fall day what else is there to do, but go to the apple orchard? The sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. What a perfect family day to be outside. Now at this particular orchard they didn't allow you to pick your own apples for some reason, but we climbed the fence to get a few pictures. Both the kiddos accidently picked one, but we put it back and didn't steal them. Shh don't tell anyone. We did buy a bag of apples in the store at the end of the day. 

Millie loved this pumpkin! She laughed and laughed because of its warts.
Of course Millie found the donuts right away. In case you didn't know she loves donuts of any kimd. Hmm I wonder where she gets her sweet tooth. They also were serving apple cider slushies, and the most delicious caramel apples. The caramel was still warm, because we watched them dip it. Mmmmm, it was soooo good!!!
My Scotty the red apple.

One of the highlights of the day was the petting zoo. Where we saw rams, goats, chickens, turkeys, ponies, and other animals.
Millie stood at the chicken pen for the longest time bocking at the chickens. It was hilarious!
Mr. Turkey strutting his stuff.
Another highlight was feeding the goats. Levi and Millie were a little apprehensive, but Scott loved it.
Barbie, Barbie, Everywhere!!!
A few months ago mom and dad dug out mine and Sara Jane's old Barbie toys. Well due to bed rest they have sat on our patio. Last night I got to feeling energetic and opened up two boxes and washed and cleaned them up for Millie. There is still a huge third box to go, but I didn't want to overwhelm Millie. Trust me two boxes is enough. Although while Millie was playing she wanted the Barbie to go to Wal-Mart, but didn't have a car. I know we had a pink convertible, so I just might have to get into the third box sooner rather than later.
This was one of my favortie barbie accessories. It is a bedroom on one side and an office on the other.
The bathroom, complete with the swan bathtub that squirts water.
Millie showing off her Barbies. In the items that I cleaned for her there was two babies, a grandma, a grandpa, and a dad. We were missing the mom. So I told her to go get a mom out of her Barbie stash. She came back with the barbie in teal spandex from Toy Story 3, and said she is the perfect mother! So there you have it Dad in sleeveless suit and mom in her spandex. A perfectly normal American family.
She especially loves the twins and nursery set.
A day at the pool anyone??
Aunt Sara, do you remember all of these toys? I had a blast playing for about two hours today with Millie. It brought back many memories!
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