Our summer is finally over and school has officially started. Levi is now an official 3rd grader and loves his teacher Mrs. Bless. The night before school started, when I was putting him to bed, we were just talking and he looked at me very seriously and said, "Pray mom pray!" So together we prayed and then came us with the conclusion that it would be a blessing to have a teacher named Mrs. Bless. God did not fail us and heard our prayers Mrs Bless is wonderful....so far. Levi is loving school.

Levi has came home the past two days super happy and ready to go back.
Millie on the other hand......On Monday, Levi's first day back was a teacher work day at CMO therefore she got to play with employee kiddos which is always fun and a different setting than usual. Millie always loves these days.

On Tuesday when Millie was to officially start the Purple Room with Miss Debbie and Miss Erin she was not so happy and informed me that she was going to the Orange Room with her beloved Miss "Hairoline." Here she is all hunched over and a little nervous, not wanting to go into CMO.

Once inside she puts her lunch in the Purple Room tote and goes to the big room, not letting go of my hand.

When the time came for the Purple Room to leave Millie plopped herself down and begged not to go. Miss Erin had to come and get her and cart a crying Millie off the other kiddos.

But when the day was over Millie found that the Purple Room is super fun and Miss Debbie and Miss Erin are just as cool as Miss Caroline. All night she has been singing "Im in the Lords Army" a purple room favorite.

As for me I have been working for the past two weeks to get my room in order and get my planning done for the Yellow Room. It all paid off today when the kiddos finally came. It was a fabulous day with very little hitches. The little ones are super sweet and behaved as if they have always been in the yellow room. It is going to be a great year!!!