Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Still working
The Wreck
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I have been tagged
Monday, March 23, 2009
As most of you know Millie fell in love with the jumpy castle while it was at CMO. But now that the weather is nice and we can go outside there really is no need for it and it has been returned to the rental company. Well Millie misses being able to jump. She will go to Levi's door to his room and cry to go upstairs to jump on his bed (something Levi has taught her.)
Today we just maybe found an alternative. While playing on the patio Millie decided to go back a few months to her earlier playing days. I don't know how she got in, but she did....she is a little monkey you know....or a skunk as Grandma McCoy calls her.
I say this again and again
Friday, March 20, 2009
Spring Break Day 5
Some big news for us.....Scott has been elected as the new Section 5 Youth Director. He is a little excited and a whole lot nervous. In case you were wondering, we just didn't have enough going on as it was, so we thought we would add some more to our plate. Levi is excited because he will have a golf cart at camp this summer.
I am definitely ready to get back to a schedule.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Day 4 Continued
The reason for this blog...After dinner I was washing dishes/cleaning the kitchen when Amelia came over to me completely soaked head to toe. I had picked up everything off of the table except for one glass of Cherry Coke (my one and only addiction). Well Millie climbed up onto the table and tried to get a drink splilling the entire cup all over her, the table, soaking the chair, and splashing all over the floor. I was not a happy camper to say the least. So today my floor got mopped twice.
Spring Break Day 4
Again what an eventfull spring break.
Spring Break Day 3
Scott met mom after work in Indy and we finally got our children back home. I had started doing laundry and cleaning out our closets, when they came in. Both were excited to be home. Around 4 pm I started seeing lines and I knew that a migrain was coming. I took some medicine and went to bed. I tried to make it to church, but when I started vomiting I just had Scott bring me home and I went back to bed. I woke up around 10 pm and watched American Idol, Good-bye Alexis Grace :(, and then went back to bed.
What a fun Spring Break we are having!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Spring Break Day 2
When we came home we did play outside and "wing" with Millie. Pap came home early and taught Levi how to get up onto the Harley, come July 25th he will finally be able to legally ride with Pap. Millie is now sleeping and Levi is wanting to go to the Park...hopefully Pap will take him.
Spring Break Day 1
With my two children you just never know what is going to happen.
After dinner we were sitting around the table and Millie kept coming in and getting the napkins and running back to Grandma McCoy's room. Mom figured she was just putting the napkins in with Grandma's napkins. Well after a few minutes I went in to check. Millie had been putting the napkins in the toilet and stirring them with a strawberry shortcake comb and then tasting it. She was just making some "PEE SOUP."
I don't know which is worse Millie making soup or Levi drinking the water from the urinal when he was little in the restroom of the funeral home at Grandpa McCoy's funeral.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Spring Break
I will try and fill you in about our week as the days pass by.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Our Weekend
Saturday was a beautiful day, which was spent outside playing golf and playing with the kiddos.
Pap and His two little loves.
A little climbing for Amelia
Please notice the crocs
A great weekend.
Beautiful Weather
While cleaning out the shed, Scott also found a dead chipmunk. What is it with our house and dead rodentsAs for the kids, Amelia has been enjoying the swingsets and playground at CMO and Levi is loving the the neighborhood boy Colin has come out to play. They told me they were getting ready to go out. I didn't question, but when I came back up to the porch a few minutes later they were all ready to go out on a hike.
I love the warm weather. I hope that it stays this way!!!
The best Pap ever!!!
Sorry that we couldn't spend the day with you, but we hope that you have a great day!!!! We Love you soooooo much!!!
Scott, Leah, Levi, and Millie Bug
PS we tried to get Millie to say happy birthday, but she just would not cooperate. She just keeps saying, "Ode co lode." Now where did she hear that?